Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Things kick off at Labour party conference....

Suspected to be a fight over the inappropriate use of an apostrophe ( Nuke's rather than Nukes on the dogs coat )

Political 'heavyweight' and blogger Iain Dale gets upset when the book plug for one of his authors, Damian McSmear, is interrupted by a harmless anti nuke protestor in Brighton.

It might be best to hold the interview in private next time as I don't think it's good publicity to wrestle an old man to the ground who is just exercising his right to protest in public.

The dog seems to be biting his owner rather than Iain. Strange.


  1. Oh dear.

    Indecorous or what?

  2. hi tris, indecorously ridiculous looking :)
    Two men and a snappy dog rolling about on the floor in couldn't make it up anywhere else but Brighton ;)


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