Saturday, 21 September 2013

30,000 march for freedom !

Just back from a fantastic day out in Edinburgh at the 'Yes Scotland' independence rally. Some great speeches, poems and songs. I finally got to meet the Rev Stu and got my shiny 'Wings Over Scotland' badge. It was also nice to meet and chat to other bloggers.

I took some pics...

Rev Stu handing out the famous badges...

Nicola chats to the crowd before the march gets under way....

And we're off...

Darling in front of one of the private zombie banks that he 'bailed out' with public money...

We took turns carrying the Wings Over Scotland banner...

The police helicopter kept buzzing the crowd all day...

2 converts from the police !...

Security cameras were everywhere..

One of the best dressed Yes supporters..

Elaine and Hardeep bring the rally to a close..


  1. Nice Photos... Thanks, what a great day :o)

  2. Cheers Brian..aye it was a brilliant day out !

  3. Brilliant photos, and a fantastic day well remembered.

  4. Cheers tris, I kept an eye out for you but it was a bit busy !

  5. I particularly like the police van!
    I think I can put a face to you now!

    A superb day , such a pity that " Scottish" TV only managed a brief covering of events before turning to a mouse scaring NO ,NOT NEVER SCOTLAND interview with the "charismatic" Blair McDougal - do they breed them dull??

  6. Thanks Dorothy...I think we were chatting behind that police van as we waited to go up the hill. It was nice to meet you.
    Hey Mr McDougal looks tired these days so even 100% mainstream media backing doesn't seem to be helping him.
    I liked one of Margo McDonald's comments when she said what kind of a party would the No vote have if they 'won'. What would they have won ? Nothing.

  7. Love the police van!

    Srsly, if the cops didn't have security cameras and a helicopter on a gathering that size, even if it was just a music festival, they'd be negligent. Supposing a gang of pickpockets cunningly disguised in blue face paint had shown up to work the hill? (Kind of surprised they didn't, in the event it was an entirely crime-free afternoon, but you have to take precautions.)

  8. hi Rolfe..the police were easy going and friendly enough. There was a light aircraft circling overhead at the bottom of Calton Hill for a while as well. Maybe it contained the 'better together' team recording our faces for their 'database' ;)


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