Sunday, 24 November 2013

Scots to be free from the UK on March 24th 2016

Scottish Independence Day will be the 24th March 2016 if we vote in favour at next Septembers referendum. The date is included in the Scottish Government's white paper, described as a "blueprint" for independence, which will be published on Tuesday.

From The Herald newspaper...

"Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said " it is a "landmark document" which has economic growth, jobs and fairness at its heart ".

The 670-page document runs to more than 170,000 words and will be available as a hard copy and as an e-book."

The 24th March is also Houdini's birthday ( photo above ). We don't have to do anything as difficult as Houdini in order to win our freedom. All we have to do is put a cross in a box next September and with one bound.......we're free !

Although we won't really be free if we stay in the EU. We'll just swap one set of elected rulers for another set of unelected rulers. But that's a battle for another day.

More Houdini photos to show what we don't have to do to get independence....

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Dundee gears up for Christmas.

Canned 'Christmas music' in Asda and the Christmas tree in the City Square. It's the start of 5 weeks of torture as we enter 'the festive season' in Dundee.

At least we're allowed to call it 'Christmas' this year. In order to conform to the PC brigade the council were advertising a 'Winter Festival' 2 years ago. Much to the annoyance of everyone ,including local muslim groups, who have no problem with 'Christmas'....and made their views known.

There's the usual hot food outlets operating in the city centre. I tried one which was selling stovies but they were inedible unfortunately. Re heated and whiffy with lumps of gristle and burnt bits beware.

There are a lot more beggars than usual in the Murrygate / High Street area. I usually give money to them because at least I know they're getting the money rather than helping to pay some fake charity chancer on £120k a year plus pension and expenses. The 'Big Issue' is now pricing itself out of the market so the sellers must be suffering.

Dundee failed in it's attempt to win the bid for 'UK City of Culture 2017'. Much to the delight of BBC Scotland who said it was because we've got an independence referendum next year and it 'put off' the selectors. Oh and BBC Scotland were also furious at Alex Salmond the First Minister for promoting Scotland with a £5m tourism drive. How very dare he was the general feeling at BBC Scotland. I wish we could get our £400m tv taxes back from BBC Scotland and close their building down. We could use that £400m to invest even more in tourism rather than letting BBC Scotland use it to run down Scotland. Oh and the BBC Scotland building at Pathetic Key in Glasgow could be converted into a homeless shelter. Get some use out of it for a change.

I seem to have got diverted from my cheery Christmas post so here's some more photos to get you excited for Christmas...

Desperate Dan has had enough and is off....

Beryl the Peril fires at happy Christmas shoppers...

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Worldwide protest against biased mainstream media.

Although Scotland has a particular problem with media bias against independence there is a more general problem worldwide with the media. They all follow a fixed agenda and rarely question what they're told to broadcast.

A worldwide protest took place today but it will be difficult to find the story anywhere apart from the alternative media although RT News from Moscow covered the story.

I can remember a time when people used to mock Russian news outlets for their one sided biased stories in favour of the brave motherland against the capitalist West. No more though. RT News often reports important news stories that are either ignored or barely acknowledged in the Western media. The nightmare at Fukushima that may lead to total disaster in the northern hemisphere for example......just an itsy bitsy problem that will all be ok in time for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 if you believe the mainstream media.

The bedroom tax story has been big news on the internet this week but has been largely ignored by BBC Scotland. If it was mentioned then the LibLabCon parties got an easy ride and the usual ' nothing to see here please move along' attitude was adopted. While Labour MP Anas Sarwar was posted missing from the vote and debate ( after claiming it was a priority for him and the Labour Party ) the BBC went big on a story about a traffic cone on a person's head. They aren't subtle with their contempt for us.

This is an example from the US of how 'the news' is controlled by a central script writer...

Obama is a master of the spin and is almost always given an easy ride. Both here and in the US. This is despite his pre election promises to close Gitmo, sort out the banksters and stop drone attacks all being quickly dumped when he took office. Things have actually gotten worse with civilian drone strike deaths escalating, the US constitution ignored, automatic recording of everything anyone says or does now standard policy and the money printing now at $80Bn a month with debts of nearly $17trillion.

This is 8 minutes that are worth watching if you want to see how things work.....

Check out the lady on the left at 50 seconds whispering that it's time to let the lady fall. The pregnant lady then went around the tv studios campaigning for the disastrous 'Obamacare'. Shockeroonie !

Of course the most terrifying thing for the mainstream media to report on is 9/11. This sends shivers down their spines and sends them running for the hills. To question the official story of 9/11 is certain death to their careers so they all cover their eyes and ears and collectively go la la la la.

There's some interesting stuff in the alternative media though...

To appreciate the power of the mainstream media just ask anyone how many skyscrapers fell on the day. Most will say two towers. WTC1 and WTC2. The truth is that three towers fell. WTC1,WTC2 and Building7. Building 7 wasn't even mentioned in the official report on 9/11 and is never mentioned in the media as it raises awkward questions. Questions like why did the BBC report that Building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it did ? The BBC have never explained where they got their information about the building 7 collapse from. Quite extraordinary to report a building collapse with no evidence and then clam up about it afterwards.

The BBC were taken to court by a tv license payer who alleged that he would be supporting terrorism if he paid his BBC tv license fee. Of course there was nothing about this extraordinary court case reported in the mainstream media....

Things can only get better.........

Heartening news from Glasgow where the former Labour Lord Provost Alex Mosson has come out in support of independence for Scotland.

Alex revealed his support two weeks after former Strathclyde regional council leader Sir Charles Gray said he would also back independence for Scotland next year.

Alex said........

" This is not a time for party politics. The decision we'll be making next September is too important for that. People need to realise that this is not about the SNP, Scottish Labour or any other political party.

This referendum is all about us, the people of Scotland, and our right to self-determination. Once we achieve independence I'm sure people will start to regain their interest and engagement in politics, and that will be a good thing for democracy.

But first we need to find our self-confidence and become a successful, more prosperous and fairer nation. I am totally convinced that only a Yes vote will get us to that point."

Couldn't have said it better myself Alex. Welcome aboard.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Call me Dave going back to year zero in the UK.

Embarrassed by all of his 'cast iron' guarantees and other such promises made in speeches and pamphlets, call me dave ( photo above investigating human rights abuses in Sri Lanka ) has come up with a wizard wheeze. Delete the effin lot of them lol !

Call me Dave has picked 2010 as his 'year zero'.

No more comeback on drivel such as......

" With the Conservatives there will be no more of the tiresome, meddlesome, top-down re-structures that have dominated the last decade of the NHS…So yes, I’m proud to say the Conservatives will stop these pointless, retrogressive re-organisations and closures."

Or the even more tiresome....

"When it comes to the firing, we’ve said we’ll introduce a power of recall to allow voters to kick out MPs mid-parliament if they have been proven guilty of serious wrongdoing"

( Phew....Eric Joyce etc can trough easily for another couple of years. )

Here's something else they are removing from the search engines...

"We need to harness the internet to help us become more accountable, more transparent and more accessible - and so bridge the growing gap between government and governed".

It's not all bad news though. The ecowackery 'hug a huskie' stuff has also been removed.

" One more windmill and the huskie gets it "....

Update 17th Nov 2013/1984....

It seems I was a bit unfair picking on Dave for deleting stuff he didn't like anymore. It seems that the other political parties are also using the memory hole to delete stuff that they no longer want us to read.

Mind you, the links to the articles mentioning the deletion of documents will probably end up down the memory hole as well. But maybe there will be a new article about the article that mentioned the deletions. It's getting all too 1984 for me. Time for my porridge.

Tory MP who claims expenses for his biscuits attacks the starving poor.

Tory MP Paul Maynard thinks food banks can become a "bad habit" for poor people. He said "people could start going to food banks out of habit rather than helping themselves."

He continued... "I value personal responsibility. I do not believe that immediate food relief should be the role of the Government. What I don’t want to do is normalise food poverty."

If Mr Maynard had done any research then he would have known that people need a referral from a job centre or doctor etc to get a food voucher. You can't normally just turn up and get food. Most referrals are for people who are waiting for their claims to be processed and the food keeps them alive until their benefits arrive.

Not content with a £20,000 pay rise in the pipeline, Mr Maynard charges taxpayers for his biscuits.Oh and of course his cups. And coasters. And tumblers. A nice tray. Oh and soap to wash up with afterwards.

The food at food banks is mainly provided by charities and supermarkets. Not by the government. Over half a million people in the UK now rely on food banks while we waste billions on nukes, illegal wars, the corrupt EU, the man made global warming scam 'green levies', useless windmills, bailing out the zombie banks so that they can rip us off again and of course feeding troughing MPs like Mr Maynard.

Scottish Labour MP Anas Sarwar posted missing.

Friday, 8 November 2013

"All of us have got the right to speak ".

We've got 'gorgeous' George Galloway MP visiting Dundee this weekend. He's coming north to tell us to "Just say Naw" to independence for Scotland. Tickets are still available at The Whitehall Theatre if you're really quick. A bargain at £12.

"Just say Naw" isn't really a Dundonian slang. We'd say " Just say Nut" but that's probably too close to the truth for George's visit.

George said that "all of us have got the right to speak" about the referendum for Scotland in this video.....

George was repeating the myth that Nigel Farage of the UKIP party had been attacked by SNP, anti English supporters in Edinburgh when the truth was that there were no SNP supporters present although there was an English public schoolboy

Oh and the one person charged was also English.

Last year Scotland was voted the top holiday destination in the world by CNN based in the United States. We welcome everyone to Scotland and are famous for our friendship and hospitality irrespective of a person's race or religion or nationality.

But what about George's claim that "all of us have got a right to speak ".

Will this include Israelis living in the UK ?

George recently walked out of a conference because he doesn't debate with Israelis. I support a homeland for the Palestinians myself but refusing to speak in debates won't help the situation..

George has no problem working for the Iranian Press tv though where gay men are sentenced to death for fighting for their "right to speak" and to live their lives freely and openly.....

I don't know what to make of George. His "Talk Radio" show used to be quite funny but quite often any attempt to challenge him was met by the listener being cut off or he would revert to the old Scottish trick of " whataboutery". This is where any attempt to attack one side of an argument is met by " oh but what about them though".

George has been stirring up fears about what would happen to catholics in an independent Scotland and he said that sectarianism " would undoubtably be able to flourish more"......

He failed to mention all of the fantastic work that has been done in Scotland to stamp out sectarianism. I was brought up in Dundee with a catholic father and protestant mother. I saw both sides of the religious divide being equally sectarian in the 1960's and 1970's. As an atheistic Dundee United supporter I was often accosted by gangs in the schemes who would ask if I was a Celtic or a Rangers supporter in order to determine where my allegiance lay. As an atheistic Utd supporter I had to try and guess which religion they were in order to provide the correct answer and so avoid a doing. This attitude has been mostly wiped out now and Scotland has brought in the first laws to criminalise sectarianism. As a 'responsible' MP George should be promoting the positives rather than reinforcing the negatives. His glee at the demise of the old Glasgow Rangers who are in liquidation was hardly 'statesmanlike'...

George is no better or no worse than the rest of them in the London Parliament. I'm not sure how well he will be received back in Lochee which he recently called a " slum" when he was growing up there. He would watch all the drunks staggering about in the slum apparently. I notice he said that his childhood was " idyllic" in Lochee in the latest Courier newspaper report. Idyllic living in a slum with drunks staggering about ? Mmm possibly I suppose. In George's world.

I think if I went to George's show I would ask.......

1.How can we be 'Better Together' in the Union with Scotland having some of the worst deprivation and life expectancy in Western Europe despite being a so called 'wealthy oil producing nation'. Where has the trillions of pounds of oil money gone ? Norway has saved £800Bn. We've saved nothing.

2. How can it be right to be regularly governed by the Tories when no one has supported them since the 1950's in Scotland ?

3. Why are we spending £40Bn on a new generation of nukes when food banks are opening daily all over Scotland to feed the starving ?

4. Why are we being dragged into eternal foreign wars against countries that are no threat to us ? Bringing death and destruction and despair around the globe.

The list is endless and George would probably cut me off or switch to 'whataboutery'.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

'Better Together' in the UK Armed Forces ?

I was watching a 'debate' the other day between the SNP's Keith Brown and Sir Ming Campbell ( in photo above at RAF be closed shortly ) and Ming said that Scots would prefer to serve in the UK Armed Forces rather than in a Scottish Defence Force as there were more opportunities for travel and excitement. He had absolutely nothing to back up this statement and like many of my colleagues I always tried to get a Scottish posting when in the Forces. The detachments abroad keep on coming wherever your UK base is. A Scottish Defence Force would have plenty of opportunities to travel abroad and to experience as much 'action' as they wanted as they would be welcome anywhere in the world to advise and learn and to share operations with other friendly forces. Likewise foreign forces often visit Scotland to enjoy and share exercises with us. Making use of the fantastic terrain on offer for land, sea and air operations. Scotland recently hosted the biggest NATO exercise for a generation. If this wasn't enough excitement for our young troops then they would still be able to join the Foreign Legion or the UK Armed Forces if they wanted to. Both are full of troops from countries all around the world and Scottish troops have been highly valued for centuries.

Here's a story of how one soldier has been dealt with in the UK Armed Forces. Don't forget that servicemen have no unions to protect them. Everything is done on trust with the so called 'Covenant'. I doubt if his service would have been betrayed so badly in a Scottish Defence Force.....

"A 35-year-old soldier is set to lose a £10,000-a-year pension as he will be made redundant 24 days before he qualifies for a full pension.

The soldier, who joined the Army aged 16 and served in Northern Ireland, Sierra Leone, Iraq and Afghanistan, was recovering from surgery when his wife found out by chance that he was due to lose his job."

Oh and it gets even worse. The person who has decided that the soldier won't get a penny in pension for risking his life for the Union is an unelected peer who is accountable to no one....

"The Government’s defence spokesman, Lord Astor of Hever, responded to Lord Touhig saying only 1.2% of Armed Forces personnel selected for compulsory redundancy were close to their pension point and that there were no plans to review the policy."

An emergency debate was held in the unelected House of Lords where Lord Astor was challenged to make things right for the servicemen and women who will lose out due to no fault of their own. He said.....

"The view of the Ministry of Defence is that this is most unfortunate, but that any cut-off dates before IPP or EDPP would invariably leave some Service men and women just outside the bracket. This is unavoidable and adjusting the rules, after their agreement and promulgation would only cause further hardship"

Any other public sector worker would automatically get a pension based on their time in service. These UK Defence pension 'cut off ' dates are only possible because the troops have no means to challenge them.

UK Government Defence Spokesman John Jacob "Johnny" Astor VIII, 3rd Baron Astor of Hever ( DL) presents the Baroness Thatcher 'Sword of Honour' (sic).....

Don't worry son. I'll protect the 'Covenant'

Monday, 4 November 2013

'Wings over Scotland' at the Scottish independence rally.

This is a great video from September's pro Scottish independence rally in Edinburgh....

BBC Scotland seemed to be doing a bit of fakery with their report of the rally. Firstly they claimed that only 8,000 pro independence supporters attended the rally when even the police said it was about 20,000 and organisers on the day estimated 30,000. Then the BBC report ( in order to be 'impartial' lol ) showed campaigners for the anti independence 'Better Together' team out on the streets talking and canvasing with 'members of the public'. The 'members of the public' seemed to be just acting. Check it out at about 55 seconds into their report...

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Millionaire Tory MP claims £5,822.27 for gas and electric.

While we're all being told to put on a warm jumper or switch energy suppliers in order to cut our energy bills the joker above claimed £5,822.27p for gas and electric on his large estate in Warwickshire this year.

Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi , the Stratford-upon-Avon MP, boasts on his website of his ­achievements on the Energy Bill Committee at improving energy efficiency measures to homes and businesses.

No need for any energy efficiency for himself though. Why bother if someone else is picking up the tab ?

'Only' 340 MPs put in claims for their energy bills and the Mirror newspaper has made a helpful interactive map so you can see who claimed. All the usual suspects are on there so go and have a look.

Millionaire Labour leader Ed Milliband, who is campaigning for an energy price freeze claimed £348.55p for 3 months energy and so froze his own payment at zero.....

Millionaire Anas Sarwar's seems quite reasonable at only £575 ( 3 monthly or per year ?)but Cathy Jamieson's was £725 ( 3 monthly or per year ?). It might be worth putting on a warmer jumper or switching suppliers Cathy.

Of course it goes without saying that the habitual trougher 'Dame' Margaret Beckett is up near the top of the list at £3,960.

The sheep will keep voting for her so she'll keep on troughing.

The last expenses scandal...

Saturday, 2 November 2013

HS2 farce.

This high speed rail farce is getting out of hand. Call me Dave is going to commission a report apparently to see about extending it over the border to Scotland. This obviously has nothing to do with the upcoming independence referendum in Scotland and the 'secret' report that explained how HS2 would cost Scotland hundreds of millions in lost revenue if it stopped at Birmingham or Manchester.

Scotland will contribute £4Bn in taxes towards the present HS2 plans although the costs will probably double as usual. It won't reach Manchester until 2033 so will reach Scotland by about 2050. By which time we will all be using jetpacks to travel around and won't need trains.

Scotland contributed hundreds of millions towards HS1 and the eurostar to France and will now contribute billions towards HS2 while we struggle with ancient old trains on ancient old tracks. Like the London Olympics, Scotland will be contributing billions towards something that will actually have a negative effect on our economy. 'Better Together' sticking with the Union ? Buttoned up the back more like.

Meanwhile the new Scotch Secretary Alistair Carmichael " accused SNP transport minister Keith Brown of pitiful behaviour after he questioned the UK government’s commitment to extending HS2 to Scotland. However, Mr Carmichael refused to make any commitment to extending the proposed high-speed rail line across the Border"

Do you see what he did there ?

This is the same drone who wanted his present Scotch Sekratry job scrapped until his Limp Dem party sneaked into power on the back of dumping all of their principles for some comfy seats in the Tory limousines.

Like HS1, they will have to build some kind of HS2. The latest 'vote' in the House of Chancers was all theatre. It's already been signed and agreed behind closed doors with our dear leaders in Brussels so it will go ahead. It's all part of the Trans European Network.

Choo choo.....