Sunday, 29 September 2013

Convicted war criminal endorses the global warming scam.

Convicted war criminal Tony Blair arrived in New York on board his private jet to endorse the findings of the latest IPCC report on global warming and said "No 'serious person' should doubt man is behind climate change".

The war criminal went on to say.."After this panel assessment this week, there will no longer be any serious doubt in the minds of serious people that this is a serious problem. Ninety-five per cent certain, is a pretty large degree of certainty – I recall that the number of people who think Elvis is still alive is round about five per cent,” he added, to laughter."

Well there won't be much laughter in Iraq today where daily bombings are still taking their toll. Blair was "100%" certain that the intelligence on WMD's in Iraq was accurate and he believed everything he was told by the 'experts'. There were no WMD's and the 'dodgy dossier' on WMD's was found to be full of half truths and best estimates and general tittle tattle dragged from the internet. A bit like the IPCC report. Blair is obviously easily led as he kept telling us he was a 'straight kinda guy'.

Blair's new £30m private jet has been nicknamed 'Blair Force One' and comes with a distinctive black, gold and silver livery and is a prized find for plane spotters, who post sightings and photographs on the internet. It is reckoned among aviation experts to be the best long-range private jet on the market. "

Blair Force One...

Blair may opt to swim home to one of his mansions due to the serious nature of man made global warming and the role of private jets in increasing deadly CO2 into the atmosphere. Or maybe not.

One of Tony's 'carbon neutral' houses...

Blair was found guilty in a Malaysian court of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of his role in the illegal invasion of Iraq which left the country in ruins, millions homeless, millions dead or disfigured and a constant stream of deformed babies being born due to the use of depleted uranium shells.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Global warming scam becomes a religion.

It's official. With just blind faith to sustain them, the global warming scammers have gone all religious. Bless them in their ignorance.

The latest rubbish from the IPCC ( Inside Pachauri's Church of Climatology ) can't explain why there's been no warming for nearly 20 years ( apart from saying that the extra heat might have been absorbed by the sea...wonder why the sea has just started doing that in the last 20 years...the sea ate my homework ?) so have opted for blind faith and said that they're 95% certain that we're all going to burn up and the oceans will rise and wash us all away. Or something like that anyway. That's up 5% from their last report. Since when it's stubbornly refused to get any warmer on the planet.

I could estimate ( with a group of fellow consensus seekers) that I've got a 95% chance of getting knocked down by a car if I run onto a motorway. It doesn't mean that I will. It's not science. Just what I think might happen. I wouldn't put zillions of dollars on the outcome either way as there's no scientific evidence to support my 95% idea.

Science is never 'settled' and certainly isn't any more real by having a 'consensus'. It should be constantly re evaluated and any discrepancies in data looked at independently. There was once a consensus that ulcers were caused by stress or spicy foods etc. Until two Australians discovered the real source...the H pylori bacteria. The two Australians were ignored until they proved their research using real science. By blocking any criticism of the global warming religion the IPCC and their useful idiots have backed themselves into a corner and are closing their eyes and ears to any other scientific view.

We all know what this global warming/ climate change/ climate disruption/ climate religion is all about. It's to create a world carbon tax and keep thousands of pseudo scientists, politicians and BBC employees etc in a well paid job. And to maintain their credibility and reputations. Nothing more nothing less.

Future generations will laugh at us for the blind fools that we are. Followers of the man made global warming religion caused by harmless carbon dioxide. With our weird and useless windmills and carbon taxes and other useless, but very expensive, follys.

The climate is constantly changing. We've had ice ages and tropical periods over the same land mass long before man came on the scene. We'll go through these natural cycles again in the future due to the actions of the sun or other natural phenomena.

Ignore all the lies coming out of the BBC etc and watch an alternative report on the global warming scam and the IPCC....

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Things kick off at Labour party conference....

Suspected to be a fight over the inappropriate use of an apostrophe ( Nuke's rather than Nukes on the dogs coat )

Political 'heavyweight' and blogger Iain Dale gets upset when the book plug for one of his authors, Damian McSmear, is interrupted by a harmless anti nuke protestor in Brighton.

It might be best to hold the interview in private next time as I don't think it's good publicity to wrestle an old man to the ground who is just exercising his right to protest in public.

The dog seems to be biting his owner rather than Iain. Strange.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

30,000 march for freedom !

Just back from a fantastic day out in Edinburgh at the 'Yes Scotland' independence rally. Some great speeches, poems and songs. I finally got to meet the Rev Stu and got my shiny 'Wings Over Scotland' badge. It was also nice to meet and chat to other bloggers.

I took some pics...

Rev Stu handing out the famous badges...

Nicola chats to the crowd before the march gets under way....

And we're off...

Darling in front of one of the private zombie banks that he 'bailed out' with public money...

We took turns carrying the Wings Over Scotland banner...

The police helicopter kept buzzing the crowd all day...

2 converts from the police !...

Security cameras were everywhere..

One of the best dressed Yes supporters..

Elaine and Hardeep bring the rally to a close..

Friday, 20 September 2013

Bendy Wendy stabbed in the back by her own brother.

Damian McBride, the former smear artist and Gordon Brown henchman has been spilling the beans in the Daily Mail about his time as a spin doctor for Brown. His new book has helped to solve the mystery of what happened to Wendy Alexander, the former 'Scottish Labour' leader after she kept demanding a referendum on independence for Scotland. She kept telling the SNP to 'Bring it on' which seemed to go against the wishes of London Labour who certainly had no interest in a quick referendum on independence for Scotland.

According to McBride it was her brother Douglas Alexander ( the present shadow Foreign Secretary ) who finished her off with a knife in the back by telling Gordon that she had to be sacked as she was contradicting London Labour with her demands for a quick referendum on independence for Scotland. Dougie helpfully advised Gordon to use the 'dodgy Guernsey donation' issue as the reason for her to resign. This would act as a smokescreen for the real reason for her to be sacked....their panic over her Scottish referendum demands.

McBride's book 'Power Trip' reveals the full gory details of how the Labour party really operate and will be an 'interesting' read. It won't be covered by their followers in the BBC etc so you might have to order it from the library.

It would be great to leave all the Labour smears and spin behind after independence but they're entrenched in Scotland as well so they will always be a stain on us.

Order from the library....

Wee Doogie.....butter wouldnae melt in meh mooth ye ken..

Friday, 6 September 2013

Man's pants catch fire live on the telly !

Viewers choked on their popcorn last night as Labour MP Anas Sarwar's pants caught fire as he pledged that labour would scrap the Unionist bedroom tax if they got into power. This was news to London Labour who admitted that they have pledged no such thing.

Mr Sarwar refused to answer any questions put to him by Nicloa Sturgeon of the SNP during the televised debate and decided to make up stories instead.

An unofficial spokesperson said that Mr Sarwar's nose started to get really long as the porkies spilled out of his mouth and then... kaboom !!...his pants burst into flames.

It was great telly to watch but a sad day for Mr Sarwar's career. Will the millionaire now join his dad in the Punjab ? That's the big question everybody is asking tonight.

Except BBC Scotland of course. They've 'mysteriously' missed the big bedroom tax story and are breaking on a dog being found in a layby with a matted coat.

Poor Bob.....

Thursday, 5 September 2013

'Better Together' leader spins to Chartered Accountants.

Pro Union 'Project Fear' leader Alistair Darling has spun his pro Union rubbish to ICAS ( audio link ).

Luckily the Scottish book keepers are switched on so will have seen straight through the man who helped to crash the UK economy with his 'hands off' light touch approach to UK banking.

While Alistair waltzes around London earning thousands of pounds making speeches the people of Scotland stand in line at the latest food banks.

Scotland...the only country to discover oil and end up poorer.

Better Together...aye for Mr eyebrows and his chums like Blair, Mandleson and Broon etc but not for the rest of us.

"Darling was asked whether the Better Together campaign was, as yet, too low key. He pointed out that it’s simply not possible to campaign flat out for two years, but added: “As we get closer to the vote, you can be sure that both sides will up the ante."

If you hold your 'Better Together' public meetings in secret then it will be very low key.

United Nations get tough on Unionist bedroom tax.

United Nations Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik flew into Glasgow today to investigate the London government's bedroom tax to see whether it has broken human rights laws.

Ms Rolnik ( pictured above) will investigate whether the Unionist's bedroom tax is flouting Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by penalising poor families for the size of their homes.

SNP MSP Christina McKelvie welcomed the UN’s examination of the "utterly inhumane and unjustifiable" tax.

Labour’s Shadow Scottish Secretary Margaret Curran ( pictured below) said: "Raquel Rolnik also needs to look at what the Scottish Government could be doing to help people out".

This is despite Labour failing to fully back the SNP during the Opposition Vote against the tax in February. 44 Labour MPs were absent when the vote took place and the attempt to scrap the tax was defeated by 41 votes.

The Labour council in North Lanarkshire threatened a disabled woman with eviction for non payment of the bedroom tax but backed down when The Daily Record newspaper intervened.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

They work for you. Gordon Brown MP.

We've not seen much of Gordon since he left office. He pops up occasionally to shout about things that he could have had influence over when in power. The failure to clean up the radiation at Dalgety Bay for instance ( he knew about this for decades ) or the closure of Remploy factories ( Labour closed dozens when in power).

He managed to vote in 13.32% of votes in the London Parliament. So where has he been ?

After bailing out the banksters with taxpayers money he's been continuing to 'save the world'.......

Register of Members’ Interests

(They Work for You website)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

Payments as Distinguished Global Leader in Residence at New York University: Campuses in New York, Abu Dhabi and Florence. Hours: ongoing commitment.

Flights paid for me and my staff to New York campuses; value £8,845. (Registered 14 May 2012)

Transport paid for me and my staff to New York campuses; value £1,598.14. (Registered 3 July 2012)

Payment of £126,380 for travel, staff and research fund. (Registered 4 February 2013)

Accommodation paid for me and my staff in New York; value £1,410.34 (Registered 9 April 2013)

Payments as Chairman of the World Economic Forum Policy Coordination Group. Geneva:

Payment for staff and research of £23,271.91 as Chairman of the World Economic Forum Policy Coordination Group. (Registered 14 May 2012)

Airfare, transport and accommodation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, also paid for me and my staff; £10,950.91. (Registered 3 July 2012)

Airfare, transport and accommodation in Geneva, Switzerland, also paid for me and my staff; £2,035.20. (Registered 18 July 2012)

Payment for staff and research of £40,679.51 as Chairman of the World Economic Forum Policy Coordination Group. (Registered 27 November 2012)

Airfare, transport and accommodation in Tianjin, China, also paid for me and my staff; £12,032.38. (Registered 27 November 2012)

Airfare, transport and accommodation in Gurgaon, India, also paid for me and my staff; £15,643.16. (Registered 4 February 2013)

.Airfare, transport and accommodation in Dubai, also paid for me and my staff; £8,369.18. (Registered 4 February 2013)

Airfare, transport and accommodation in Geneva, Switzerland, also paid for me and my staff; £10,508.33. (Registered 9 April 2013)

Signature advance of £22,500 from Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, for book to be published in 2012.

Payment of £101,412.63 for speeches to MPSF, Inc in California.. Flights, accommodation and transport also paid for me and my staff; value £31,290.39. (Registered 14 May 2012)

Payment of £335 for flight to University of San Diego in California for speech. (Registered 14 May 2012)

Payment of £49,006.23 for speech to Institute for Corporate Governance in Copenhagen. 3 hrs. Flights, accommodation and transport also paid for me and my staff; value £4,729.47. (Registered 14 May 2012)

Flights and accommodation paid for me and my staff; value £12,470.46 to attend a forum in Mexico City hosted by the Nicolas Berggruen Institute. (Registered 3 July 2012)

Payment of £49.497.95 for speech to Itau BBA in New York. 3 hrs. Flights and transport also paid for me and my staff; value £17,001.91. (Registered 3 July 2012)

Payment of £60,679.90 for speech to the Abu Dhabi Education Council Abu Dhabi. Hours: 1 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff; value £14,059.91. (Registered 3 July 2012)

Payment of £60,375.83 for speech to the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in Yalta, Ukraine. Hours: 3 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £9,843.24. (Registered 27 November 2012)

Payment of £48,916.68 plus flight and other costs, for speech to Czech Teleaxis. Hours: 2 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff; value £3,895.34. (Registered 27 November 2012; updated 4 February 2013)

Payment of £61,009.54 plus flight and other costs for speech to the Global Forum Secretariat in Seoul, Korea. Hours: 4.5 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff; value £12,084.72 (Registered 27 November 2012; updated 4 February 2013)

Payment of £48,469.03 plus flight and other costs for speech to LL Global Inc. 3 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff; value £20,812.15 (Registered 27 November 2012; updated 4 February 2013)

Payment of £19,463.64 for speech to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago. Hours: 3.5 hrs. (Registered 27 November 2012)

United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education. Address: UN Headquarters, New York, NY 10017. Ongoing commitment. (Registered 18 July 2012): Airfare, accommodation and transport paid by UNESCO; value £5,011.44. (Registered 27 November 2012)

Airfare, accommodation and transport paid by the UN; value £7,790.75, to Timor-Leste. (Registered 27 November 2012)

Airfare paid by UNESCO; value £5,106, to New York. (Registered 27 November 2012)

Airfares paid for me and my staff by UNESCO; value £1,198, to Paris. Accommodation; £560.40 (Registered 27 November 2012; updated 4 February 2013)

Flights, accommodation and transport paid for me and my staff; value £6,645.44 for Launch of Educate a Child to World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), Doha. Hours 1.5hrs (Registered 4 February 2013)

Payment of £61,286.29 for speech to the Huatuo CEO Business Consultant in Shanghai, China. : 5 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £30,105.46 (Registered 4 February 2013)

Payment of £22,086.31 for speech to Corsair Capital in Paris, France. 3hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £2,298.57 (Registered 4 February 2013)

Payment of £48,569.11 for speech to Cisco in Oslo Norway. Hours: 3hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £4,157.47 (Registered 4 February 2013)

Payment of £49,455.10 for speech to Callan Investments Institute in San Francisco, USA. 1.5 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £4,835.08. (Registered 9 April 2013)

Payment of £48,898.25 for presentations to Trinity University in San Antonio, USA. 5 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £9,479.46. (Registered 9 April 2013)

Payment of £49,915 for speech to NAPE Expo in Houston, USA. Hours: 1.5 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £8,248.92. (Registered 9 April 2013)

Payment of £62,622.17 for speech to Government Summit, Dubai, UAE. Hours: 3 hrs. Flights, transport and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £29,146.49. (Registered 9 April 2013)

I made a quick estimate of the total trousered and it comes to over a million quid.

I think it's like one of Tony Blair's foundations or something..disclaimer in the members interest register.."I am not receiving any money from this role personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life."

Oh, he did find time to visit the opening of a new food bank in Kirkcaldy..

Scotland is the only country in the world to discover oil and end up poorer. Norway has an £800Bn sovereign wealth fund from oil and Scotland is opening food banks to feed the hungry.

'Better Together' in the United Kingdom ? Only for some.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Labour Party's failure to block 'bedroom tax' will cost Scotland £50,000,000

'Scottish Labour's' new Finance spokesman Iain Gray has estimated that it will cost Scottish taxpayers £50m in order to negate the effects of the 'bedroom tax' on Scotland.

44 Labour MPs failed to back the SNP and vote against the bedroom tax during an Opposition Day vote in the London Parliament in February. 44 Labour MPs 'absented' themselves from the vote allowing it to be defeated by 41 votes.

Mr Gray "called on the SNP government to find the cash, saying they could easily raise the money."

Scottish Labour's new 'big hitter' Mr Gray then explained that Labour would 'reform' local tax in Scotland as the SNP had been freezing the rise in council tax for too long and this just won't do.

An independent Scotland would scrap the bedroom tax immediately and in the meantime have tried to get the Labour Party to support their commitment to block any bedroom tax evictions.

'Scottish Labour' leader Ms Lamont was unavailable for comment and is thought to be organising another top secret 'better together' public meeting.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

The US President has decided to allow the US Congress to vote on whether to bomb Syria. This will earn a few bob for some Congressmen and women. Some of them seem to be as fond of the lobbyists largesse as our lot...